Wednesday, April 22, 2009

OMP-AMIS 8.6: New data processing features and parameters


OMP-AMIS 8.6 version upgrade for standard and enterprise edition.

The AMIS version 8.6 release is a mayor update to implement new features and data processing options that were requested by our customers, i.e.:

  • To add more data fields and calculated productivity parameters (number of harvesting rounds, FPRmonth, user defined markers).
  • To improve the pests and diseases recording methods and replace the previous module that restricted recording to 4 main pests only.
  • To improve the recording of soil analysis results and to allow the storage of an unrestricted number of surveys per management unit. The previous module had limited data entry to the top soil samples only.
  • To allow managers to adjust the BBC based four month crop forecast results and to add comments on the reasons for adjustment. The reports show both calculated and adjusted figures.
  • To add user defined age ranges and processing rules to the area statement calculations for the new development, immature and mature areas, and to modify the dashboard report to show monthly figures instead of end of year data for the areas.
  • To add a marker to tag fertilizer or CR applications as ‘failed’ and exclude the respective amount from the nutrient balance calculations.
  • To modify daily data entry forms in the field survey modules to support data entry for an extended monthly date range.
  • To prepare the database for future extensions (e.g. outgrower module)

All requested changes and the new features are implemented in the 8.6 release. Related reports, modules and methods in the DBMS and several add-in programmes were upgraded to maintain overall functionality and compatibility (related data analysis forms and reports, GIS maps, data import and export, recalculation methods, etc.).

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